Friday, October 26, 2012

Publishing Milk Quality Standards

With the help of a young friend I was able to get the Animal Welfare Approved and Kentucky Proud logos' on my blog sight.  What I am real happy about is publishing a certified raw milk standard for the milk sold from Brook-Lin Jerseys.  To my knowledge no one in Ky has established or published a list of standards for the quality of milk being sold privately at their farms.  This is a big step and one I feel is right to do at this time to "raise the bar" on the quality of fresh milk being sold at the farms.                  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Certified Raw Milk

Brook-Lin Jerseys is proud to announce we are now registered Kentucky Proud and for the last six consecutive years have been certified Animal Welfare Approved.

Now you can see Brook-Lin Jerseys milk standards located here.